Utah Tech

Family Association Committee

Members of the Utah Tech Family Association Committee are dedicated to helping make your experience as a family and friend of Utah Tech University positive and impactful. Each member oversees a different region and is there to support you! Look below to see who is your region representative.

Display image of Michelle Butler, UTFAC Co-Chair

Michelle Butler, UTFAC Co-Chair

Region- Inland Empire/Southern California

Hometown- Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Email: rscal.utfac@utahtech.edu

Display image of Amber Skoubye, UTFAC Secretary

Amber Skoubye, UTFAC Secretary

Region- Mid-West/Eastern United States

Hometown- Noblesville, IN

Email: reast.utfac@utahtech.edu

Display image of Jamie Cormani-Denney

Jamie Cormani-Denney

Region- Southern Utah

Hometown- St. George, UT

Email: rsut.utfac@utahtech.edu

Display image of Kasee Gull

Kasee Gull

Region- Northern/Central Utah

Hometown- Spanish Fork, UT

Email: rnut.utfac@utahtech.edu

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Michelle Wages

Region- Northern Utah

Hometown- Provo, UT

Email: rnut.utfac@utahtech.edu

Display image of Nicole Kester

Nicole Kester

Region- Northern California/Los Angeles

Hometown- Los Angeles, CA

Email: rlax.utfac@utahtech.edu

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Region- Nevada

We are still looking to have someone from Nevada join our committee. Click on the description below to see if you would like to to be a part of the Utah Tech Family Association Committee. Email the Committee Chair, Michelle Butler with any questions you might have!

Committee Member Description

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Region- Arizona

We are still looking to have someone from Arizona join our committee! Click on the description below to see if you would like to to be a part of the Utah Tech Family Association Committee. Email the Committee Chair, Michelle Butler with any questions you might have!

Committee Member Description

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Region- Idaho

We are still looking to have someone from Arizona join our committee! Click on the description below to see if you would like to to be a part of the Utah Tech Family Association Committee. Email the Committee Chair, Michelle Butler with any questions you might have!

Committee Member Description